Before you pop in another load of clothes, let us share 3 steps to naturally clean your washing machine. Did you know that you’re supposed to clean your washing machine? It might seem odd because it washes your clothes; however, the cleaning machine must also be cleaned occasionally. According to Spruce, we should be deep cleaning our washing machines at least once a month so that detergent residue doesn’t form and to prevent any bacteria from getting trapped.
Follow these 3 Steps For a Natural Clean
When it comes to cleaning, people now lean towards natural methods whenever possible.
Baking Soda to The Rescue
To begin this process, you’ll want to grab two cups of baking soda and dump that directly into the base of the machine. Before you press start, make sure the cycle is in these settings: large load, long, and use hot water. Once you have everything all set, press start and let it do its thing. This step is essential because the baking soda will help scrub and remove any noticeable dirt before we move on to disinfecting.
Remove the Mold
After the first cycle is complete, measure two cups of plain white vinegar and place it where you place your detergent. Next, add ten drops of essential oil like lavender to make it smell better. Once you finish these steps, you’ll want to run another load with the same settings as the first step.
Scrub the Exterior
Now that the inside of your washing machine is all clean, the exterior also deserves a good cleaning. Dip a cotton cloth in equal vinegar and water solution, then wipe down the sides and the front. If you notice a spot that doesn’t come clean with the cloth, use a cleaning toothbrush to remove the grime.
Diamond Maids Professional House Cleaning Services
Don’t forget Diamond Maids is always one phone call away. We are here to help keep your home and devices sparkling clean so you don’t have to. Check out our professional house cleaning services to learn more.

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