An organized pantry is the first step to making your day smoother. You might be questioning the benefits, but hear us out. If your pantry is well laid out and organized, you can meal-plan and save money by not buying items you already have. By being ahead with your meal planning, you’ll feel better prepared when you have to cook and not be as stressed.
5 Steps to Organize Your Pantry: Start a Purge
Pull Everything Out
This first step might make you feel overwhelmed, but stick with us. To help you organize your pantry, you must pull out everything and place them on the counters. This enables you to see everything you have and what you might need. If the task feels too much, start with one shelf and repeat the steps until the pantry is complete.
Throw Out Expired Items
We’ve all been there, finding random items in the back of our food storage and trying to remember when we bought them. You’ll want to toss items well past their due date to help with this process. Donate to your local food shelter if you find unused items that are still good. In the meantime, to help make this process simpler, create three piles: throw away, keep, and donate. Then you know what goes back into your pantry, what you’re throwing away, and what you’re giving to those in need.
5 Steps to Organize Your Pantry: Sorting and Labeling
Sort Your Items
Now that’s done, look at the items in your keep pile. You’ll want to sort the foods and place them with similar ingredients. For example, put all kinds of pasta together, beans, veggies, etc., so you can easily see what you have and need to pick up.
Utilize Baskets, Bins, and Labels
We love incorporating baskets and mason jars into our organization techniques. It helps the space look more organized. Mason jars are great for food items that aren’t resealable, and baskets can help keep your snacks or loose products together.
Restock and Put Back
The final step is to look at the items you need after throwing out expired food. To help you do this, meal-plan for your week and list what you still need. When you’re out, grab some extra pantry essentials you frequently use throughout the week. Once you are home, it’s time to place the baskets, the jars filled with the food, and the new items away.
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