We desire to share 5 Tips for Going Back to School in a Pandemic. We aim to help you and your family remain stress-free and healthy despite the threat of COVID-19.

5 Tips for Going Back to School in a Pandemic: Washing & Disinfecting

Keep Your Hands Clean

Keeping your hands clean seems obvious, but it’s even more critical for you and your family to practice good hygiene during this pandemic. Washing with soap and warm water is the first best option for keeping your hands clean. If that’s not an option, keeping a bottle of methanol-free hand sanitizer with you is the second best.

Wash Your Face Masks

Did you know that if your family uses reusable face masks, you’re supposed to wash them after each use? In an article, the CDC said, “Masks should be washed after every day of use and before being used again.” Washing your masks after each use helps to keep you and your family healthy by reducing the spread of germs.

Regularly Disinfect Your Home

Schools are known as breeding grounds for germs, especially with COVID-19. To help prevent your family from getting sick by frequently disinfecting your home. Wipe down commonly touched areas like doorknobs, tv remotes, sinks, counters, and refrigerators. This prevents excess germs from floating around your home.

5 Tips for Going Back to School in a Pandemic: Practice Self Care

When life gets busy, it can be easy to forget to take time for yourself. However, self-care is an essential coping skill regardless of the pandemic. According to Psychology Today: “Self-care is always an important practice in maintaining balance – however, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in stress levels across the globe, emphasizing the essentiality of self-care.”

Whether you take a hot bath, walk, listen to music, etc., finding something that brings you peace and comfort is imperative.

Get A Regular Sleep Schedule

Sleep schedules have gotten off during this pandemic, especially for students. It’s vital to help your child get back into a routine. You can incrementally push bedtime by 20 minutes two weeks before school starts. This eases the transition. Also, focus on not watching TV or using electronics an hour before bed. Turning off electronics decreases the stimulation in the brain from the blue lights these devices emit.

Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today

Instead of wondering if your surfaces are clean or if you are using the right products, you can rest assured with Diamond Maids. Our job is to keep your home shiny and germ-free while you relax and focus on other crucial things. Contact us or visit our website to learn more about our cleaning services.


Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!

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