Animals bring endless joy and laughter, but how do you keep your home clean with pets? Trying to keep your home neat with them can often feel like a full-time job. If you’re in this boat, know that you’re not alone, and we understand the frustration, which is why we’re sharing everything you need to know to help keep your home sparkling.
Don’t skip their bath time
If you wouldn’t skip your shower, you shouldn’t ignore your pet’s bath. We recommend bathing them every few weeks to prevent them from smelling and transferring them to your home. It’s important to note that if you wash them too often, you can strip their skin of the natural oils, which leads to dry skin. Each dog is different, though, so find the schedule that works for yours and make sure to stick to it.
Invest in a Good Vacuum
We recommend investing in an excellent vacuum to avoid needing to lint roll your clothes. Not all vacuums are the same, so check out this article that helps you find the best vacuum cleaner for your particular situation. And when you invest in a good vacuum for your household, you’ll be glad you did!
Choose furniture wisely
Did you know that certain materials are fur magnets? Well, it’s sadly true. Whether you’re actively searching for furniture or not, we want to share the ideal material that you’ll want to choose: leather. Leather furniture allows you to easily wipe and remove any dust, dirt, fur, or grime that might get on your couch.
Control the clutter
Our clutter isn’t the only thing that makes the home look messy. It’s also all of the toys that our pets leave lying around. Keep one basket filled with toys, and if they don’t all fit, then you know it’s time to either throw away some or, if they’re still in good shape, donate it to a local shelter.
Brush pets frequently
Finally, one of the main things that cause the most problems with keeping a home clean with pets – that’s shedding. Similarly, to bathing consistently, you want to brush them at least every few days to help minimize the amount of fur falling off and landing on your floor. And the benefit of frequent brushing is that it can lead to less work for you in the long run.
Use Diamond Maids to keep your home clean with Pets
Diamond Maids is here to help take tasks off your to-do list. Rather than trying to do it all, lean on us to help keep your home sparkling clean. Overall, keeping your home clean with pets takes some effort, but it’s definitely doable. By following these tips, you’ll be able to maintain a clean home while still enjoying the company of your furry friends.
Check out our website to see our professional Brooklyn house cleaning services and learn more about how we can help.

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