With dust getting in our way constantly, we will share our top 5 Tips to Rid Your Home of Dust. Finding dust in your home is never fun, and it can feel like no matter how often you clean that it’s never enough.

According to C&EN, there is much more to dust than dirt: “House dust is a mix of sloughed-off skin cells, hair, clothing fibers, bacteria, dust mites, bits of dead bugs, soil particles, pollen, and microscopic specks of plastic. It’s our detritus and, it turns out, has a lot to reveal about our lifestyle.”

Stay Dust Free With Cleaning and Decluttering

Clean from Top to Bottom

It might seem common sense, but start from the top of items like shelves and refrigerators, and then work your way down until you reach the floor. When you clean this way, you’ll save time and energy by not having to re-clean any areas that might get soiled from falling dust particles.

Remove Clutter from Your Floors

Besides dust, bugs, like spiders and cockroaches, love clutter on the floor, so don’t ignore piles of clothes, toys, magazines, or books. Also, make sure to move items when cleaning. Just cleaning around them won’t take care of the dust underneath.

Keep Your Closets Tidy

Believe it or not, storing our clothes in the closet can cause them to get dusty from falling particles. Mainly if they aren’t used often. So, unless you want your clothes to get dusty, we suggest storing items in plastic containers or garment bags until you need them.

5 Tips to Rid Your Home of Dust: Bedding and Carpets

Change Your Bedding Weekly

Do you remember the last time you changed your bedding? When life gets busy, it often gets moved down the list of priorities, but maybe it’s time to move it back up. Dust mites love sheets, pillows, and of course, mattresses. You can significantly reduce the dust mites in your bed by cleaning your bedding once a week and adding an allergen-proof cover to your mattress and box spring.

Say Goodbye to Carpeting

Carpets can help to bring a room together, but they can also be a magnet for dust mites. If you love your carpet and do not want to get rid of it, then make sure to vacuum daily because if you don’t, that can increase the number of dust mites and your allergy symptoms.

Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today

Do you feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start cleaning? Well, don’t worry because Diamond Maids has you covered. If you want to learn more about our services, please contact us anytime!


Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!

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