Diamond Maids is sharing 6 Things to Consider Before Moving into a New Home. Moving can be both exciting and stressful. However, proper planning and organization ahead of time can help reduce some of that stress.
6 Things to Consider Before Moving into a New Home: Home Improvements
Unless you’re moving into a brand-new place, there will be home improvements that are necessary beforehand, and some that you won’t be in control of effecting once you arrive. Speak with the previous owners or the property manager about these problems – lousy plumbing, broken windows, broken furnaces, etc. Getting these messy to-do items done first will help make your life easier in the moving process.
Deep Clean
Often, before the sale of a home, it’s given a deep cleaning, but you will still want to take the time to clean it yourself – this helps to ensure that your new space is cleaned the way you like.
Life Storage Blog shared a great tip about deep cleaning your new home: “Pack a box of essentials and deliver that first to your new home. Fill it with cleaning supplies, paper towels, and toilet paper, along with the other essentials you’ll need to make it through the moving day (lots of snacks, a set of clean sheets so you can sleep after a long day of unpacking, etc.).”
Packing a box of essentials and putting it aside helps remove any additional stressors during move-in day.
6 Things to Consider Before Moving into a New Home: Documentation & Time Management
Put All Your Important Documents in One Binder
Do you remember the essential documents you get into maybe once every few years? It’s time to dig those out. Everything from birth certificates, social security cards, insurance policies, medical records, etc., should be in one place. That way, you know exactly where they are when you need them.
Take Photos of Your Valuables
Moving and packing all your valuables is nerve-racking. Use precautions by taking photos and, for instance, documenting what exactly you own. If anything is damaged or missing in the move process, you’ll have proof of original conditions.
Transfer Your Utilities
Depending on the locations you’re moving from and to, utility companies can be timely about activating your water, gas, and electricity. However, connecting with them beforehand will ensure your utilities work correctly before settling into your new digs.
Take Time Off Work
Moving takes time and energy, so take a week off work to help start unpacking. This will go a long way toward reducing your stress levels when you return to work.
Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today
Instead of trying to do everything yourself, Diamond Maids can help you out. If you want to learn more about us and our services, specifically deep cleaning, please check out our cleaning services for more information today!

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