Diamond Maids presents 3 Tips to keep your Bedroom Closet Organized. Cleaning and maintaining an organized bedroom closet can sometimes get the best of us, especially when we don’t know where to start. However, you’ll be delighted with your efforts and results once you do. One of the main reasons a neat closet is essential, besides looking nice, is for your health and well-being. An organized closet can reduce stress and clear your mind. It provides a sense of well-being and even increases productivity – leading to better health overall.

Follow these 3 tips to keep your bedroom closet organized.

Out with The Miscellaneous

We’ve all been guilty now and again of having items in our closets that don’t belong there. Maybe it’s a piece of mail we were looking at as we came in the door. It could be random bits and pieces we’ve picked up throughout our lifetime. Start by removing items that aren’t clothing, shoes, accessories, or carry-ons. This will help to prevent a cluttered closet space.

Follow the 80/20 Rule

You might be wondering what the 80/20 rule entails and what it has to do with clutter and organizing a bedroom closet. The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, states that 80 percent of outcomes result from 20 percent of input. Regarding your closet, it often is the case that 80 percent of the time, you only wear or use 20 percent of the items in there.

That begs the question, why do you have those items you never use or wear taking up space in your closet? To address this, look inside your closet and start with individual sections. Whether it’s your shirts, pants, accessories, shoes, jackets, etc., it doesn’t matter what you choose.

Go through each item type one by one. Next, find similar items. For example, if you have five pairs of tennis shoes, even if you wear them all at different times, donate two pairs of those shoes.

Keep doing this as you go through the rest of your closet, and soon, you’ll see a big difference in space and tidiness.

Organize Section by Section

As mentioned earlier, knowing where to start cleaning and organizing your closet space can be challenging. Break the cleaning up into smaller areas. You can start with an area as small as a single drawer or as big as a shelf. Begin wherever you feel comfortable and build from there.

Diamond Maids Professional House Cleaning Services will use the 3 to keep your bedroom closet organized.

Diamond Maids is here to help take the burden of cleaning and organizing off your shoulders. For information about our professional house cleaning services, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more!


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