We want to share some cleaning tips for busy moms that you can accomplish today. Having a clean home with young kids can sometimes seem impossible, and you might wonder if it’ll ever be clean again. The simple answer is yes; it can be!
Our Top 4 Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms
Schedule Your Cleaning Days
Creating scheduled cleaning days can help to prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and stressed. List the tasks you want and need to finish during the week. By creating a daily schedule, you can focus each day solely on those items that are on your to-do list.
Here’s a possible cleaning schedule example:
- Monday: Plan your meals for the week, make room in the fridge, and go grocery shopping
- Tuesday: Clean all of your bathrooms
- Wednesday: Laundry & Kitchen
- Thursday: The Bedrooms
- Friday: Sweeping or Vacuuming Floors and Dusting
- Saturday: Catch up on any needed task
- Sunday: Rest
Creating a similar schedule will help reduce stress while keeping you on top of all the needed house responsibilities.
Put Away As You Go
If you notice a piece of clothing on the floor or dirty dishes in the living room from movie night, take care of them at that moment because it will help to save you time in the long run.
Our Top 4 Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms: Time Management
Set Aside 30 Minutes Every Day
We recommend setting aside thirty minutes daily for cleaning but find the best time for you and your schedule. Then, each day, set a timer for that allotted time. Work on the scheduled task for the day, and allow yourself to stop after the timer goes off.
Delegate Chores
If you have kids, make cleaning a family fun event. By delegating age-appropriate chores, you will feel less stressed about everything that needs to be done. You will teach them the importance of cleaning and working together as a family. And lastly, you will have more free time for family outings and other fun stuff!
Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today
Diamond Maids wants to help keep your home clean and your family healthy. If you want a professional cleaning maid to help provide the essentials, please get in touch with us anytime!

Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!
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Life can get busy. Go to work, go on vacation, see a movie, leave the cleaning to us!
Walk in to a fresh smelling, sparkling clean house. It's a great feeling.