The Benefits of Deep House Cleaning
We want to share the benefits of Deep House Cleaning. There isn’t just one way to clean your home while keeping the people in your home healthy and happy. However, one of the most effective ways is through deep and thorough cleaning.
The Benefits of Deep House Cleaning: Decreases Exposure to Bacteria and Viruses
Even with cleaning every day, there can still be all sorts of bacteria and viruses around you. You would think the toilet is the dirtiest place in your home! Yet, according to the article “The Germiest Place In Your Home, And The Best Way To Combat Those Microbes,” the place with the most germs is your kitchen. “Recent surveys of homes found more fecal bacteria on a cutting board in the average home than a toilet seat,” said Gerba, with a chuckle: “It’s safer to make your sandwich on a toilet seat than a cutting board.”
To help reduce the number of germs, make sure to regularly deep clean items like cutting boards, your sink, garbage disposal, and counters.
Helps to Reduce Mold
When consistently cleaning throughout the days and weeks, you will have a better chance of detecting and fixing mold growth. Here is what the CDC recommends if you notice mold in your home: “Mold can be removed from hard surfaces with household products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of household laundry bleach in 1 gallon of water.”
If you notice mold, make sure to clean it right away or call someone that can.
The Benefits of Deep House Cleaning: Improves Your Mood
If your home is messy, it can cause you to feel overwhelmed. This is why it’s crucial to pick up stuff as you go and keep things organized to get that mood boost. Fulfillment Daily says the following “Cleaning is not something that most of us enjoy or associate with happiness, but studies are increasingly showing that it does affect your mood and your stress. Clean homes and organized spaces are proven to reduce stress, improve happiness, and even improve your eating and exercise habits.”
By incorporating deep Cleaning every week, your space will not only stay neat and hygienic, but you will also feel more at peace.
Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today
Do you need help with staying on top of deep cleaning your home? Well, don’t worry because Diamond Maids has you covered. To learn more, check out our cleaning services or contact us today!

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