Diamond Maids is ready to lend a hand with your Dyker Heights Summer Apartment Cleaning so you can enjoy fun under the summer sun.
Warm temperatures and a dry atmosphere mark the start of the summer season. Many look forward to vacations, summer cookouts, and outdoor sports activities. The summer heat brings all kinds of fun and reasons to clean. While spring cleaning has a long-standing history for Americans, especially New Yorkers, in keeping a clean apartment, many don’t realize that summer cleaning is as important as keeping your apartments spic and span during the colder seasons.
Dyker Heights Summer Apartment Cleaning Checklist
Outdoor Cleaning
The warm temperature and dry air bring more dust into your apartment than any season of the year. The outdoor areas are the most affected parts of the apartment. Dust can easily stick to walls, window panes, porches, and doors. Even your outdoor barbecue grill won’t be safe from dust and minute flying debris. Diamond Maids has trained cleaners that can easily make the outdoors of your apartment spotlessly clean.
Living Room Cleaning
Summer apartment cleaning in Dyker Heights is not only limited to the outdoors. Even the inside of your apartment is not safe from dust. Even with closed windows, dust can still enter with the constant opening of doors and those that stick to human clothing. This microscopic debris settles on surfaces and hard-to-reach areas, thus, making cleaning even more challenging than usual.
Bedroom Cleaning
Dust from fabric also increases rapidly during warm temperatures. You’ll find cobwebs and fallen hair under the beds, chairs, and cabinets. Professional cleaners from Diamond Maids know that sweeping would do little to lessen the dirt as dust will fly in the air and land on other surfaces. Your bedroom needs thorough cleaning to avoid respiratory diseases caused by inhaling dust in the air.
Dyker Heights Summer Apartment Cleaning: Attacking Grime and Bacteria
Kitchen Cleaning
Grime is a common problem in kitchens. It terrorizes the kitchen walls, floor, and kitchen appliances all year round. Wiping the dirt with a cleaning solution could do the trick. But meticulous kitchen cleaning can be time-consuming and strength-draining. Better leave these tasks to the professionals.
Bathroom Cleaning
Your bathroom tiles house more bacteria than most parts of your house. Molds grow on tile grout, especially on uneven floors where water stagnates. These molds cause many well-known bathroom-related diseases in New York alone. When you see hard-to-remove stains on your bathroom tiles, call the professionals to keep your bathroom clean and safe.
Summer should be the perfect time to have fun. But with all the summer cleaning to do, you can’t help but feel left out of all the enjoyment. So why not hire a professional cleaning service company? Sit back and relax. Diamond Maids got your summer apartment cleaning in Dyker Heights covered.

Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!
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Life can get busy. Go to work, go on vacation, see a movie, leave the cleaning to us!
Walk in to a fresh smelling, sparkling clean house. It's a great feeling.