Diamond Maids wants to show you how to fix 5 common cleaning mistakes that can make your chores harder than they should be. We all love a clean house, and sometimes it seems as if little chores are still waiting to be done no matter how hard we work.

How to Fix 5 Common Cleaning Mistakes: Beware Bacteria

Not Letting the Cleaner Sit

When you’re in a hurry, the spray and wipe method might seem ideal, but 99.99% of the time, it’s not an effective way to clean the area. Whether you want to disinfect or remove grease, each cleaning agent is different. Please look at the back of the cleaning product to see the recommended time for the cleaner you’re using to sit for it to be really effective.

Keeping Your Sponges for Months

Do you remember the last time you got a new sponge? If not, it’s probably time for a new one! Keeping a kitchen sponge longer than a week or two, at most, can quickly get it to be one of the dirtiest and germiest items in your home. To help prevent the spread of bacteria throughout your home, put your sponge in the microwave for a minute every day and throw it away every week or two at most!

How to Fix 5 Common Cleaning Mistakes: Timing & Direction

Trying to Do Everything All At Once

Trying to tackle a big mess all at once can make you feel overwhelmed and unproductive. Therefore, we recommend you create a cleaning schedule. In a previous blog post, 5 Quick Cleaning Tips For A Busy Life, we share five quick cleaning tips that you can use to find a happy balance once again.

Cleaning from The Bottom Up

When you clean from the bottom up, you will inadvertently get the area you just cleaned dirty again. By subtly switching your methods and cleaning from top to bottom, you will ensure that you don’t get dirt or dust on your newly cleaned area – helping to save you time and energy and feelings of frustration.

Washing Your Windows When the Sun Is Out

You feel the warmth from the sun, with possibly a cooling breeze, and it puts you in the perfect mood to clean your house. However, when it comes to your windows, they won’t turn out sparkling clear if you wash them while the sun’s rays are in full force. The reason is that the heat makes the cleaner evaporate quickly, forming streaks on your windows.

We recommend saving this task for an overcast day or early morning to ensure your windows are streak-free.

Get Professional Help Today

Keeping your home clean takes time and energy, but don’t worry because Diamond Maids can help. If you want a professional cleaning service to help keep your home spotless, please contact us anytime!


Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!

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