Hiring Park Slope Maids to Clean Your Bathroom will be your best decision this year. Our Maids are ready to make your bathroom pristine and healthy!
It is often a misconception that dust and microscopic debris are the only cleaning problems during the summer. But did you know that molds, known to be found in damp areas, still thrive even in warmer summer months? These types grow in places without sunshine, like the bathroom. Even neighborhoods like Park Slope in Brooklyn can develop disease-causing fungi inside the bathrooms.
Hiring Park Slope Maids to Clean Your Bathroom: Scrubbing everything from Toilets to Tiles and Grout
Tile and Grout Scrubbing
Molds multiply on tiles and grouting. Molds on tiles are slippery and could cause bathroom accidents. Dark stains on the grouting make the bathroom floor and wall ugly. Wiping the molds using an acid solution can only do half the job. Thorough scrubbing removes the molds from the roots.
Toilet and Sink Scrubbing
Tiles and grouting are not the only places where molds grow. Any damp surfaces can propagate fungi. Toilet seats and sinks are not exempt. Small pools of water drops accumulate microbes which will later become molds. Park Slope Maids know how to make your toilets and sinks squeaky clean.
Bathtub and Shower Scrubbing
Imagine bathing in a mold-infested bathtub. How about running a shower with molds sticking out of the nozzle? If you feel uncomfortable, that’s precisely what a dirty bathroom feels like. Professional Park Slope Maids specialize in removing grime in bathtubs and showers.
Hiring Park Slope Maids to Clean Your Bathroom: Say Goodbye to Grimy Surfaces and Clogged Drains
Mirrors and Glass Surfaces Cleaning
Smooth surfaces such as mirrors, shower doors, and glass tables are prone to mineral buildup. Moisture on glass surfaces leaves behind a white residue after it dries. These hard water spots look dirty and unpleasant. The residue is hard to scrub off without the proper equipment and solution.
Drain Unclogging
A clogged drain is one of the causes why water becomes stagnant on bathroom floors. Molds propagate at an alarming rate and make the floor slippery. Professional, Our trained Park Slope Maids know how to handle this task expertly.
Trash Bin Cleaning
Removing the trash is one of your bathroom’s most crucial cleaning tasks. Uncollected trash, especially hygienic waste, is the ideal home for harmful bacteria that could cause infection and contamination with the rest of the bathroom. Taking out the trash is a fundamental task for Park Slope Maids.
Professional Bathroom Cleaning Services
Your bathroom experiences a lot of uses throughout its lifetime. It is imperative to sanitize your toilet to safeguard your health and your household’s members. Diamond Maids provides the perfect Park Slope Maids service for a clean bathroom.

Reserve Your Diamond Maid Now by calling 347-449-4470 or Book Your Appointment!
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