It’s time for Diamond Maids to share our 5 Tips for Spring house cleaning! The flowers are sprouting, birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. This time of year is a perfect opportunity to clean up your home and get a head start before the craziness of the summer days.
5 Tips for Spring House Cleaning to help you get started.
Organize and Toss the Clutter
Over the colder winter months, it’s normal for some clutter to pile up. As we try to stay warm and comfy in winter, we focus less on household chores. As things warm up in Spring, it’s the perfect time of the year to get organized and remove the built-up clutter around your house. To do this, start by sorting everything in the room you’re working on. Create a few categories: trash, give away, donation, and keep. This method will ensure you readily know what’s going on and what is staying.
Keep Cleaning Products to a Minimum
With the extra cleaning, you might have to get more products. However, before you do, we recommend keeping the items to a minimum. You can get an all-purpose cleaning product, reusable microfiber cloths, and any specialty items like disinfectants.
5 Tips for Spring House Cleaning: Create New Cleaning Habits
Like a New Year’s Resolution, create a resolution to keep your home tidy year-round, so it’s not a hassle every year in Springtime. Figure out a schedule that works for your lifestyle. Whether that’s thirty or even fifteen minutes a day, you’ll be amazed at the outcome over time when you employ a little consistency.
Outline A Plan
Regardless of the size of your home, cleaning it can be a challenge at times. Plus, Spring cleaning goes above, and beyond the regular mopping, dusting, sweeping, and scrubbing, so you might not know where to begin. We recommend listing all of the rooms in your house on individual sheets of paper. Write out everything that needs to get done in each room. After you finish, begin with the room with the most things on the list and then work your way down. That way, when you’re on the last sheet of paper, it’s the least amount of work.
Check Expiration Dates
We’ve all been there, having expired food, medication, and beverages taking up space around our home. Don’t simply pull out all the items to clean and then put back; check the expiration dates and toss anything past its shelf life. This will help you stay organized and keep you on top of what you need and don’t need.
Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today
In the end, Spring Cleaning can be a hassle and even stressful sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Diamond Maids is here for you! Check out our house cleaning services on our website, and contact us to learn more.

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Life can get busy. Go to work, go on vacation, see a movie, leave the cleaning to us!
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