Diamond Maid shares tips for Spring House Cleaning. Spring is in the air, and as we start to think about cleaning, it might feel overwhelming to go all in and tackle all the house chores that may have built up.
Follow our 5 Tips for Spring House Cleaning
Schedule Your Cleaning Every Day
Setting some time aside during your day will help you not only stay on top of everything but will help to also get into a routine – making it simple and a part of your day as time goes by. We recommend telling yourself what you will focus on that day during your scheduled cleaning time because this helps you stay focused and on task.
Say Goodbye To Clutter
Let’s face it, we all have clutter in one or more areas of our homes right now. It’s a normal part of a busy life, but it doesn’t have to be. A messy home can make the atmosphere feel chaotic and make it difficult to keep rooms clean. Don’t worry. We have a technique that can help you.
Take two baskets and a trash bag into a room. In one basket, put dirty laundry. In the other basket, put items that do not belong in the room, and then in the trash bag, put your garbage. After that’s finished, toss out the garbage, take the dirty laundry basket to where you do laundry, and then take the second basket and put the items away in their designated space.
Utilize Baskets and Bins
When there is a place for everything in your home, it’s harder to have clutter. We recommend investing in some baskets and bins. Use these baskets for magazines, mail, toys, books, and even craft or office supplies.
5 Tips for Spring House Cleaning: To Do: Your Dishes!
Make A Chores To-Do List
Create a simple checklist at the beginning of every week for the chores for that week. Break them down into days so that you know what you’re focusing on each day. If you’re unmotivated to finish your items on the list, turn on some of your favorite music and make it fun.
As your list continues to get smaller, you’ll feel more encouraged and determined to get it done.
Do the Dishes
“Doing the dishes” might seem obvious because if you don’t do them, you won’t have anything to eat, but this isn’t what we exactly meant. Often, we go to bed with dishes still in the sink, causing us to get behind. If you make it a habit to finish up the dirty dishes and leave your sink clean before you go to bed, this helps you start your day off right, but it helps you not to feel overwhelmed as you get deeper into each new day.
Get Professional House Cleaning Services Today
At Diamond Maids, we help take the burden of keeping your home clean off your shoulders. Check out our cleaning services to learn more!

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Life can get busy. Go to work, go on vacation, see a movie, leave the cleaning to us!
Walk in to a fresh smelling, sparkling clean house. It's a great feeling.